The Latest and Greatest Serafin SM Row Unit!
Since 2010 we have managed to release a new model of Single Disc Row Units into the Australian market once every three years. Each model has improved maintenance intervals, better seed placement and a longer lifetime then it’s previous model.
After testing multiple disc sizes in various conditions across Australia, we found that the 20” disc was the best all round. It achieves optimal rotation speed and ability to cut through the heaviest of stubble without hair pinning issues that some larger disc diameters may encounter. Farmer feedback shows a 25-30% longer disc life from having a minimum of 3”’s of useable wear compared to our competitors who run 18” discs and only have 2″s of wear.
Our simple design and quality parts allow every row unit to achieve optimal performance. Tool free depth adjustment enables the operator to easily adjust the depth by 12.5mm increments and finer adjustment through hydraulic down pressure control. Down time has been further reduced through the reduction in grease points making this row unit one of the lowest maintenance units on the market.
One of the reasons behind our success of the Serafin row unit begins with our long lasting front pivot bearings. The issue with some row units on the market is they have steel on steel pins and bushes that while seeding don’t do a full 360 degree rotation resulting in one point constantly wearing and giving them inconsistent seed placement. Our solution to this issue is with our high quality non-greaseable needle roller bearings. Inside the bearing every needle does full revolutions which spreads the load, eliminates wear, maintains accurate seed placement and reduced chatter.
Another key feature of the Serafin Row Unit is the ‘Agri-Hub Disc Hub Bearing’. This bearing is designed to reduce maintenance intervals and long-term operating costs while achieving maximum uptime. Compared to older models the Agri-Hub absorbs axial and radial loads better, caused by sudden impacts from rocks and stumps. It has been field tested for many years to be non-serviceable and proven to have a high resistance to mud and dusty conditions and very easy to change when required.
Feature | Specification | ||||||
Cutting Disc | 20" x 6mm single disc blade on a 7 degree angle, no undercut | ||||||
Cover Wheel Pivot | Bearing - Non greaseable, adjustable closing position | ||||||
Firming Wheel Pivot | Bearing - Non greaseable, adjustable closing position | ||||||
Cover Wheel | Serafin Cast 12" smooth type with adjustable spacers to ensure perfect closing action in all soil types, Non greaseable | ||||||
Firming Wheel | 9 1/2" x 25mm BUCO Hard Vee wheel with Non greaseable 5203 bearings | ||||||
Depth Gauge Wheel | 4 1/2" x 15" BUCO semi pneumatic rubber wheel on 3 spoke open centre, Non greaseable bearing (other types optional) | ||||||
Depth Control | Quick and Easy to adjust handle, new Heavy Duty pin and heavy toothed casting for long life, 1/2" increments | ||||||
Disc Hub & Bearing | A unique sealed lubrication, with an extended service life and very low maintenance. Increasing uptime and reducing maintenance costs | ||||||
Front Pivot Clamp | Extremely long life needle roller bearings, Non greaseable. Does away with unnecessary wearing bush & pin | ||||||
Total Unit Weight | Approx 105kg with a standard configuration | ||||||
SM ROW UNIT Features

- Large 508mm Disc Blade
- Needle Roller Bearings
- Serafin Long-Life Cast Closing Wheel
- 3 Spoke Buco Depth Wheel
- Independent Spring Down Pressure
- Replaceable Mud Scraper
- Depth Adjustment Handle
- Adjustable Seedboot
- Buco Hard Vee Rubber Press Wheel

Large 508mm Disc Blade – Slow turn speed, allowing for better cut of trash. Lasts 30-40% longer than comparable 18″blade
Needle Roller Bearings -high quality, low maintenance, durable
Serafin Long-Life Cast Closing Wheel – Non-Greaseable. Fill adjustable to suit varying sowing conditions
3 Spoke Buco Depth Wheel – Better mud and trash clearing. Non-Greaseable bearing
Independent Spring Down Pressure – For press and closing wheels, with Non-Greasing and long life bearings

Replaceable Mud Scraper – new, longer and fully adjustable. Improving performance in varying conditions
Depth Adjustment Handle – Making changing of seeding depth a breeze. 1/2″Increments
Adjustable Seedboot – Smooth internal casting improving seed placement
Buco Hard Vee Rubber Press Wheel – Excellent seed to soil contact, for hard wearing and long life

New Style Agri-Hub Bearing
Compared to older models the Agri-Hub absorbs axial and radial loads better, caused by sudden impacts from rocks and stumps. It has been field tested for many years to be non-serviceable and proven to have a high resistance to mud and dusty conditions.

Large 20" Disc
There are a few reasons why Serafin’s moved away from the original 18″ disc blade that was offered on the first single disc model.
Firstly we saw an immediate 30-40% longer life than compared to the 18″ disc.
We also found that since it has a slower turning speed it aids with better penetration and better trash cutting that leads to less hair pinning.
Finally it has proven to hold its edge longer too.

Needle Roller Bearing
Hardened bushes and pins are an unnecessary wearing part on some disc openers. Not only is it costly to repair but it also effects row spacing and seed placement.
The Serafin SM has high quality, low maintenance and durable needle roller bearings in our top pivot.
They are long-life and non-greaseable bearings to avoid movement in the pivot while allowing consistent row spacing.

Replaceable mud scrapers
Attached to the seedboot by two screws, the mudscraper is fully adjustable so that as it wears you are able to easily and quickly move the scraper back into position without moving the seedboot and compromising seed placement.
And when its time to replace the scraper, its only a fraction of the cost of what it would cost to replace the entire seedboot/scraper assembly like on some units.

Super Strong Casting
Improved Silica Casting Process that ensures a more accurate and consistent product with less tolerance.

Spring loaded adjustable seedboot with adjustable mudscraper
Improved seed placement has been at the forefront of our minds for every row unit iteration.
The Serafin SM has a new and improved Seedboot which is really only a fine – tuned version of the previous model.
By changing to a smoother internal casting improves seed flow and better consistency of seed placement from the opener.
Further, the incorporation of an adjustable mud scraper enables a longer and replaceable scraper that aids in increased performance in various conditions.

Redesigned Depth Adjustment Handle
Redesigned very low maintenance depth adjustment handle. Just simply lift up the button on top of the depth adjuster handle, pivot the handle back and forth into the depth slot you wish to sow with and release the button. It is really that simple!
Each notch in the heavy duty casting is an approximate 1/2″ increment in seeding depth, starting at 1/2″ or 12.5mm deep.

3 Spoke Buco Depth Wheel
Open Spoked Depth Gauge Wheel fitted as standard, providing durability, strength and maintenance free features to handle all conditions. The 3 spoke Buco Depth wheel in particular enables better mud and trash clearing and non-greaseable bearings.

Low Maintenance
Increasing a service interval of 200hr, the Serafin SM row unit is one of the lowest maintenance units on the market.
Couple that with a larger disc that gets more Ha before it needs to be changed, you have a disc unit that keeps you in the paddock longer.
And features like the replaceable mud scraper and needle roller bearings means that it is cheaper to run too!
SM ROW UNIT Product Video
Common options for the SM Row Unit
D-Cup Air Diffuser
Not standard but highly recommended are the D-cup plastic air diffusers which are fitted to the row unit to allow for higher rate of air flow to reduce blockages as well as reduce seed bounce.
Click to watch the short video
Serafin Ultiforce is a low-maintenance hydraulic down pressure system with it’s own cylinder. It allows for more consistent down pressure, reduced row-unit vibration and increased durability, improving seed placement.

Needham Press & Gauge Wheels
New for 2021 we can offer now both the Needham V8 firming wheel and Needham Urethane Gauge wheel options for our SB2019 Disc Opener.
The V8 firming wheel is known for its longevity and ability to flex so that the press wheel continually gives the optimum seed to soil contact.
The Gauge Wheel is also very long life and quality bearing system.

Serafin Spiked Closing Wheel
Serafin’s own Spiked Closing Wheel replaces the standard smooth closing wheel. It provides some tilth next to the seed slot that assists with closing the seed slot more efficiently in harder conditions.
It also reduces the amount of closing wheel bounce resulting in more even, consistent closing wheel down pressure

Individual Small Seeds Placement kit
Allowing the operator to sow pasture seed and canola through a separate seeding tube that runs along the press wheel arm and places the seed into the seed slot once the press wheel has gone through.
This separates the main seed / fertiliser from the small seed plus sows this at a very shallow depth, independent to the main seed depth.

An upgrade option over the plastic D-cup diffusers is the Serafin Stainless steel diffuser,
Working on similar principles as the D-cup but with a longer life and stronger housing.
It also has a rubber cap that fits neatly onto the stainless steel housing, ensuring that it doesn’t vibrate off or have latches that break. And has optional shield as shown

The narrow gauge depth wheel hub on the new Serafin SM are now able to offer the BUCO narrow gauge wheel with the open 3 spoke hub.
This means that whether you are chasing the narrow spacing on the unit or just wanting to have a smaller footprint on the ground, you can still benefit from the SM open hub design.

Manutec Single Press Wheel
Replacing both the small BUCO press wheel and the cast closing wheel is the single arm with 15″ Manutec press wheel.
This works very well in soft, sandy conditions where the seed slot closes over itself. It is low maintenance and long wearing.

Manutec Mud Razor Gauge Wheel
A complete replacement of the standard BUCO depth wheel is the Manutec Mud Razoe option.
Fitted with a 4 1/2″ solid rubber wheel with an inbuilt metal scraper ring on the inside, this gauge wheel works well is muddy conditions.

Available on the Serafin SM unit is the Ryan NT (formerly RFM NT) Spring gauge wheel. Featuring improved resistance to mud build up and less weight.
The flex in the steel spring ensures that any mud build up will release, keeping the unit turning in the most sticky conditions.
Brochure & User Manual
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